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Chi-Chung Ho 
MMus (University of Michigan), Doctoral Study & Grad Perf Dip · Orchestral Conducting何致中


Music Consultant


Hailed by critics and media, Chi-Chung Ho has earned the reputation of providing “first-rate music with the orchestra” (The States News, Michigan State, U.S.A.).

His artistry and talent in conducting had soon been recognized during his residency in the

Washington Metropolitan Area. He was appointed to conduct the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra for the famed composer/conductor Tan Dun. His outstanding performance guaranteed his participation in the recording project of Tan and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.

Invited by the world-renowned conductor David Zinman, Ho was a full-fellowship conductor at the Aspen Music Festival, where he had chances to work closely with Zinman and other prominent musicians including Lang Lang, Gil Shaham, Leon Fleisher, Joshua Bell, Sarah Chang, and Edo de Waart. He has also received direct guidance from legendary conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Yuri Temirkanov, Marin Alsop, Gustav Meier, Fei-Yun Xia, and Hui-Chang Yan.

Besides being the Music Director of the Mason Symphony Orchestra, the University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society (opera), and the Theatre of Michigan States University (musical), He has held various conducting positions at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Baltimore Lyric Opera, the Peabody Opera, the Peabody Orchestras, the Christian Oratorio Society, and among others.

A native of Hong Kong, Hoʼs works have been acknowledged beyond his country. Besides the

United States, his professional engagement includes conducting the Filharmonia Sudecka in

Poland, the Prague Chamber Orchestra and the Bohuslav Martinu Philharmonic Orchestra in

Czech Republic, the Russe Philharmonic, the New Symphony Orchestra and the Vratca Symphony Orchestra in Bulgaria, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, and the Taiwan National Chinese Orchestra. Soon after his return to Hong Kong at the end of year 2010, Ho has already

collaborated with numerous local groups such as the Opera Hong Kong, the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, the Collegium Musicum Hong Kong, the Baptist University Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Bach Choir and Orchestra, the Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra, as well as musicians of the Hong Kong Philharmonic.

Graduated from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University, Ho is also the first Hong Kong-born Chinese who got accepted into Peabody's prestigious doctoral conducting program. He is currently the Assistant Conductor of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, and well as music director and conductor of numerous orchestras in Hong Kong.

香港指揮家何致中一直深得樂評家與聽眾之愛載,獲傳媒讚賞他「與樂團奏出一流的音樂」 (美國密歇




認同: 於旅居美國十五年間,何氏曾受聘於巴爾的摩交響樂團、巴爾的摩歌劇院、彼博狄交響樂團與歌劇院, 亦曾為美國梅遜交響樂團、密歇根大學吉爾伯特與沙利文歌劇團,以及密歇根州立大學劇院等之







應蜚聲國際之指揮家 David Zinman 的邀請,何氏曾多次參加美國阿斯本音樂節。音樂節當中除了指


Leon Fleisher、朗朗,小提琴家 Gil Shaham、Joshua Bell、Sarah Chang,指揮家 Edo de Waart

、Andreas Delfs 及 Michael Stern 等等。

畢業於 University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) 及 Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University (亦是首位獲得該大學取錄為指揮博士硏究生之香港人),何氏獲得著名指揮家 Gustav Meier、Marin Alsop 以及 Kenneth Keisler 的悉心栽培,讓其成為獨當一面的新一代指揮家。其間,更有幸得到指揮泰斗 Claudio Abbado 及 Yuri Temirkanov 的親自指導。中樂指揮方面,則受業於國家一級指揮閻惠昌及夏飛雲。

於投身指揮專業已先,何氏曾為 Lansing Symphony 及香港小交響樂團等專業樂團之中提琴及小提

琴手。其現為香港中樂團之助理指揮 (專業人才培訓計劃) 以及多個本地管弦樂團之音樂總監及指揮。

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